Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hospital offering 50% payoff?

In my monthly bills I have to budget $25 for a surgury I had last year. I owe $1200.

I received a letter in the mail today from the hospital. It tells me that I have been selected to have an opportunity to settle my bill for $600 if I do it in the next 30 days.

$25 doesn't seem like a lot, but when you think about where I started with $16 a month left over it is a pretty good chunk.

If I can figure out how to pay it I will effectively increase my cash flow to $116 extra a month total. $16 originally,  $75 for not smoking, $25 potentially for hospital bill.

I will keep everyone posted on how this works out.

Also, if you have medical bills it might be worth contacting to them to see if they offer an early payout.

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